Derry City Cem Plot MA 382

I was recently looking at the Find a Grave records for Derry City Cemetery and i came across this entry.

William was one of the men killed at Bloody Sunday, clicking the picture should take you to the Find a Grave entry where it has a short bio. I'd come across this plot before in my own tree research and the name William McKinney so i looked a bit deeper into it. I checked out some trees on Ancestry and found them incomplete or just plain incorrect, and some stuff just doesn't add up. On the face of it, interred is Willie McKinney, his parents Michael and Nancy, and Grandparents  William and his wife Catherine. But lets start at the beginning.

The first person interred there was William Kilmany in 1897, and the plot belonged to and presumably still does , his widow Catherine, she was interred there the following year. . I've seen the name in multiple versions, Kilmeany,McKilmeany etc and i'm none the wiser as to who they are/where. The next person interred there is John Lynch in 1900. John was the husband of Catherine Doherty, they married in 1878 at St.Columbs Long Tower

They where married for 22 years. We have no date of birth for Catherine but if we assume she was at least 16 when she wed we could estimate 1862 she was born.  After John Lynchs' death, few months later Catherine Lynch married William McKinney in St.Eugenes, April 1900. 22 years later they would have their first child, Michael McKinney in 1922. That would make Catherine McKinney 60 years old when she gave birth to Michael, quite some feat. She passed away in 1945, i make her age at least 83 years old and her second marriage 45 years. Also in the plot are Catherines parents, Mary and John Doherty.

Catherine also had a Daughter, Mary Lynch b.1888 , and when she married William McKinney he adopted her. Not sure what happened to Mary Lynch after that.


In a strange coincidence when John Lynch married Catherine Doherty he was infact a widower, and he bought plot number CA 209 for his first wife. Also interred in CA 209 are Johns, brother,sister and some of his Doherty nieces and nephews. The last person interred there is Minnie Bradley in 1930, Minnies parents are listed as (not given) Jones. Turns out she is the same age as John and Catherines daughter Mary Lynch. Be great to find out just what the connection is, if only Headstones could speak.


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